How can I enable it and set it as the default keyboard? Hinglish mode - If you choose “Hindi” as an input language, the English keyboard will suggest both English and Hinglish terms. Handwriting mode (currently available for Hindi only) - Write directly on your phone screen. Native keyboard mode - Type directly in native script. Transliteration mode - Get output in your native language by spelling out the pronunciation using English letters (For example, “namaste“ -> “नमस्ते“.) Google Indic Keyboard supports different modes of input: On your phone, if you can read your language in its native script above, you may install and use Google Indic Keyboard to input your language otherwise your phone may not support your language. Currently it includes the following keyboards:
Google Indic Keyboard allows you to type messages, update on social networks or compose emails in your own native language on your Android phone.